Wkłady filtracyjne

Product selection A-Z

Typ ZL


Z-line filters for the separation of coarse and fine dust, used as the first stage in ventilation and air handling units or as prefilters for high-quality filter stages

  • Filter classes G4 (coarse dust filter), M5 (fine dust filter)
  • Large filter area due to folding
  • Low differential pressures at high volume flow rates
  • Moisture-resistant frame made of non-woven fibres or plastic
  • Tested to EN 779





Filter media for the separation of coarse and fine dust in supply and extract air for simple applications

  • Filter classes G3, G4 (coarse dust filter), M5 (fine dust filter)
  • Roll media or cut-to-size pads
  • Tested to EN 779





Filter media for the separation of coarse and fine dust in supply and extract air for simple applications

  • Filter classes G3, G4 (coarse dust filter), M5 (fine dust filter)
  • Tested to EN 779


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