Filtry płytowe plisowane




Prefilters or final filters for the separation of fine dust and suspended particles. Used for industrial, research, medical, pharmaceutical, and nuclear engineering applications.

  • Filter classes M5, M6, F7, F9, E11, H13, H14
  • Performance data tested to EN 779 or EN 1822 Meets hygiene requirements according to VDI 6022
  • Eurovent certification for fine dust filters
  • Filter media for special requirements, glass fibre papers with spacers made of thermoplastic hot-melt adhesive
  • Low initial differential pressure due to ideal pleat position and largest possible filter area
  • Perfect adjustment to individual requirements due to different pleat depths, filter frame made of various materials
  • Automatic filter scan test for all filters from filter class H14
  • Fitting into ceiling mounted or wall mounted particulate filters (types TFC, TFW, TFM, TFP), ducted particulate filters (types KSF, KSFS), duct casings for particulate filters (type DCA), or operating theatre ceilings


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