small_tab1_Serie WT
small_tab2_Serie WT
small_tab1_Serie WT
small_tab2_Serie WT

Typ WT


Rectangular hot water heat exchanger for the reheating of airflows, suitable for VAV terminal units Type TVR, TZ-Silenzio, TVJ or TVT, and mechanical self-powered CAV controllers Type EN

  • For hot water up to 100 °C
  • Horizontal water connection
  • Copper tubes arranged in two rows, with aluminium fins
  • Maximum water-side operating pressure is 16 bar
  • Casing air leakage to EN 15727, class D



  • Hot water heat exchanger Type WT for reheating the airflow in rectangular ducting
  • For VAV terminal units TZ-Silenzio, TVZ, TVJ, and TVT, and for CAV controllers EN
  • For hot water up to 100 °C


Parts and characteristics

  • Ready-to-install heat exchanger
  • Copper tubes arranged in two rows

Construction features

  • Rectangular casing
  • Flanges on both ends for connection to ductwork
  • Maximum water-side operating pressure is 16 bar
  • Horizontal water connection
  • Plain copper tube ends for water connection

Materials and surfaces

  • Casing made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Copper tubes
  • Aluminium fins

Informacje techniczne

  • Technik
  • Quick sizing
  • Specification text
  • Order code


Rectangular hot water heat exchangers for reheating the airflow in air conditioning systems

Dimensions fit VAV terminal units TZ-Silenzio, TVZ, TVJ, and TVT, as well as CAV controllers EN.

Flanges on both ends, suitable for duct connection.

Casing air leakage to EN 15727, class D.

Materials and surfaces

  • Casing made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Copper tubes
  • Aluminium fins

Technical data

  • Volume flow rate range: 15 to 6000 l/s or 55 to 21600 m³/h
  • Thermal capacity: 0.4 – 115 kW
  • Maximum water temperature: 100 °C
  • Maximum water-side operating pressure: 16 bar
  • Water-side differential pressure: 0.1 – 25 kPa
  • Static differential pressure: 25 – 170 Pa


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