Chilled ceiling testbed according to DIN EN 14240

This facility is used for the standardised identification of the cooling capacity of passive water cooling systems according to standards DIN EN 14240, 14518 and 15116. This is where new developments are advanced, catalogue data determined and measurements are taken as proof of performance for major projects according to customer wishes. 

Size of the testing room:
• Ground area, clear: 3.8m × 3.8m
• Height, clear: 2.8m

Technical measurement equipment:
• Primary air flow rate,
• Primary air temperature,
• Water volumetric flow,
• Flow and return temperature of the water,
• Surface temperature of all surrounding walls,
• Ambient air temperature at 1.7m, 1.1m and 0.1m above the floor,
• Room or global temperature at 1.1m above the floor as reference temperature ,
• Measurement of the electric output of the heat load simulators.

TROX GmbH is the only manufacturer of chilled ceilings to offer matching laboratory and testing rooms.

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