small_tab1_Serie Nachrüstsets
small_tab1_Serie Nachrüstsets

Typ Retrofit kits

For variable volume flows or V<sub>min</sub>/V<sub>max</sub> switching in room air conditioning systems


Actuators and installation accessories for mechanical self-powered CAV controllers Type EN, RN, or VFC, and flow adjustment dampers Type VFR

  • Parts kits for easy retrofit
  • Potentiometer or mechanical stops
  • Supply voltage 24 V AC/DC or 230 V AC
  • Control input signal: Signal voltage 0 – 10 V for modulating actuators
  • Control input signal: 1-wire control or 2-wire control (3-point) for min/max switching
  • Positive lock connection with CAV controller or flow adjustment damper

Optional accessories for Types RN and EN

  • Auxiliary switch with adjustable switching points, for example for capturing the end positions



Parts kits for the retrofit of mechanical self-powered volume flow controllers or flow adjustment dampers with actuators.

CAV controllers Type EN or RN, as well as for VFC

  • Min/Max switching of volume flow setpoint values
  • Variable adjustment of volume flow rate setpoints

Flow adjustment dampers Type VFR

  • Min/Max change of the damper blade position


Parts and characteristics

  • Damper blade can take various positions
  • Mechanical stops or potentiometers (only for Types VFC and VFR) to set the volume flow rates
  • Supply voltage 24 V AC/DC or 230 V AC
  • Switching between setpoint values or signal voltage range0 – 10 V DC

Informacje techniczne

  • Quick sizing
  • Specification text
  • Order code


Retrofit kits for min/max switching or for the modulating adjustment of mechanical self-powered volume flow controllers in ventilation and air conditioning systems.



informacje o produkcie

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