small_tab1_Serie Auf-Zu-Stellantriebe
small_tab2_Serie Auf-Zu-Stellantriebe
small_tab1_Serie Auf-Zu-Stellantriebe
small_tab2_Serie Auf-Zu-Stellantriebe

Typ siłowniki otwórz/zamknij

For the opening and closing of shut-off dampers in air conditioning systems


Actuators for Type AK or AKK shut-off dampers

  • Change of the damper blade position for two different operating situations
  • Supply voltage 24 V AC/DC or 230 V AC or operating pressure 1 bar
  • Control input signal: 1-wire control or 2-wire control (3-point)
  • Potentiometer or mechanical stops
  • Retrofit possible



  • Actuators for opening and closing
  • Opening and closing of Type AK or AKK shut-off dampers


Parts and characteristics

  • Mechanical stops for setting the damper blade positions
  • Electric or pneumatic operation
  • Overload protection
  • Control input signal: 1-wire control, 2-wire control (3-point) or pneumatic control
  • Optional spring return actuator for damper blade safety function
  • Optional auxiliary switch for capturing the end positions

Informacje techniczne

  • Function
  • Quick sizing

Functional description

The actuator opens or closes the damper blade.

Minimum and maximum positions can be set using mechanical stops.

1-wire control or 2-wire control (3-point) can be used.

1-wire control is actually an open/close control.



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